The Words He Never Said
Created by jennrodda 12 years ago
Of all of the memories that I have of Jim, what stands out the most are the words he never said to me. See, when I was in high school my friends and I had a tradition of toilet papering the Spencer house on Saturday nights. We would head over there in the middle of the night, decorate the house, and then ring the doorbell. Once we heard their dog, Rocky, barking, we ran away. Every Sunday after one of our adventures, Jim would walk by me, smile, and shake his head. He never said anything to me, never reprimanded me, never told me to stop waking his entire family up at two in the morning. He would just give me his sweet, gentle smile.
I am truly thankful that I was able to know Jim. Our families shared so many wonderful times together - holiday dinners, birthday parties, and just hanging out. Jim never said much, but when he did speak, you knew you wouldn't want to miss what he had to say.
Susan, Keith, and Keri, I am so sorry for your loss. I love you all.